our latest campaign for the Oceanic collection.
This collection is actually a selection of raw imperfect seashells which keep on growing over the few years to come. the first drop contains 10 different seashells which I’ve try to preserve as much as can the natural shapes and the tiny little details by hand sculpting and engraving each and every part of it.
When I create a metal seashell out of silver or gold I feel like I’m actually preserving specific time and memory, A place and a lot of thoughts.
Those seashells will be much heavier than the other collection I’ve already made, much chunkier which you can absolutely wear even one and achieve and elevated look for a daytime and nighttime, with any outfit and for any occasion.
Something really special about this build up collection is that all of the seashells sources came from Israel coasts. Some of them are not to be seen anymore and I’m so lucky to preserved this beautiful memory of the thing that once was.
I must have a big thank you! for the two ladies in my life that help me achieve this beautiful catalog and an amazing photo-shooting day.
i love you.